Your Weight is Ideal |
![]() Your BMI is 23.4 - a healthy BMI falls between 18.5 and 25 Congratulations, you are the perfect weight for your height. Even though you may not be entirely happy with your weight, you are healthy. So gain or lose a few pounds if you want, but don’t go too crazy! Don’t agree? Blame the government standards we based this test on! |
Do You Need to Lose Weight?
In the Dark
Yesterday as we arrive from a long ride to Bulusan, Sorsogon I opened the door and opened the switch of our bedroom light. But there was no light coming from our lighting fixtures. I told my husband that he needs to take a look at it. And hubby replaced it with a new bulb and it is now working. I am so thankful hubby bought extra bulb every time we go to the mall. Or else we will sleep in a very dark bedroom.
LO Share: Bride
And this time I am the bride!
I love this kit of Kathryn Wilson called Zen Garden. I love the papers and the asia inspired elements. Perfect for this photo.
You can view the credits on my {we are} storytellers gallery here.
Thanks for looking! I hope you like it!
Sexy Again???
As I was facing the mirror this morning I noticed that I lose weight already. My bulging belly and arms is now gone. It is still big but not as big as before. Yey! My diet is working! I won't need to take Fentraphen now! I am so happy! Hubby is telling me also that I lost some weight and he was happy for me too! I need to maintain this so that I will feel good about myself. Wish me luck in maintaining this weight!
Intelligent Girl
Our maids daughter who is now 6 years old is here with us. My brother sends her to school. She is a very intelligent girl. She even told me that she wants to be a futures broker. I am so proud of her. She was like a sister to me. I know that she will reach that dream. She dreams a lot lately and tell me everything she has on her mind. She even told me that she wants to be a teacher someday. What a very intelligent girl.
Our Move
When Jun and I moved to our own house we decided not to get a moving services since it was very near to where we used to live. I think it is 3 kilometers away. We just went back and forth to our house and to my parents house to get our things. It was tiring I tell you. But I am happy. It was not my first time to move since our family moved when I was a little girl. But I enjoyed it this time because this is a new life for me and my husband. And I am excited in decorating our house! LOL! What's your story of your move? Tell me.
New LOs to share
I made a lot of LOs and never share it here. Gosh I am so bad!
Enjoy all of my pages!
View the credits here.
I need a New Computer Table
I badly need a new computer table. Gosh! My computer might fall in this old computer table I have! I need to go to the mall right now to see if there is a good computer table at the home office section of the Mall.Need to call hubby first so that I have a driver. If he is not available today I might get one tomorrow.
Need a new Memory
Will be going to manila right now. I will have some sort of vacation there and we will say goodbye to my brothers family in going back to Kuwait on the 14th. I will also see if I an buy a new memory because it takes a lot of time to load photoshop. I need to get one already. Gosh this digi kits I have on my PC is taking a lot of space on my hard drive. Better clean up and get a new RAM.
Before I left our house today I told our maid to remove the curtains and wash it. Its been months that we haven't washed it. Eeeewwww!!! Gross! I have no time to wash it so I am so thankful that my maid went back to our house. She cleaned our house and washed our clothes the other day. I've been thinking to do that for a week already and I kept on saying that I do it on the other day. Thank God she came back or else until now the house is not clean, the laundry is not yet washed and the curtains are not yet clean. Gosh! What is happening to me! Procrastinate! Procrastinate! LOL!
What Flavor Lip Gloss Are You?
You Are Cherry Kiss Lip Gloss |
![]() You're a total girly girl who's every guy is sweet on. You take pleasure in the simple things in life, from cute t-shirts to stuffed animals. Any guy needs to match your romantic idealism to win your heart, which is why few have. No wonder Cherry your signature flavor. It's delicious, sugary, and fun - like you! |
A Hat Collector
My older brother is a hat collector. He has a lot of hats on their house. I saw it on the picture he sent us. His cap are signature lines and the very cool ones. He gave one to my husband and loved it also. My husband love caps too. The photo above is the one I want to buy for me and my husband. I love the colors of these caps. Perfect for sunny days right? I wonder if there is a cap on our Mall here in Bicol.
I am hooked in playing Sims 2 Pets. I love playing it to remove stress. I can make my dream house there, eat a lot, exercise in a fitness equipment that I bought with my own money, work, interact with other sims, go to school, have a baby and love my husband. I can always build a happy and successful family there. I also love designing the interior of my house. And oh I can also have some pets! It is so cool to play Sims 2 Pets. You should try it too. =)
Long Time No Talk
I am so glad to talk to my long lost friend last Tuesday. She told me that she will be migrating to the US next month. I am sad as well as happy for her. Sad because it is only now that I got to keep in touch with her and I can't see her. Happy also because she's been wanting to go to the US even if we are still young. She also told me that she is checking on the Corpus Christi real estate to look for a property there. Her dream is fulfilled now and as a friend I am so proud of her and happy as well. Good Luck my friend!