1. Today I feel very— sleepy. I want some rest!
2. I enjoy — listening to Beyonce's music.
3. I am unhappy when — the husband is away. =(
4. I feel good when — I got payment! weee!! hahaha!
5. I wish my boss — will give me more moolah!
6. My office mates think — I'm a freak because they don't even exist in my world. hahaha! I don't work so I don't have office mates.
7. My work area is — half organized half messy. LOL!
8. I enjoy reading about — scrapbooking.
9. I like myself best when — I look good.
10. If I had a choice I would — travel abroad with hubby and stay for 2 weeks maybe.
11. I wish — I am pregnant now.
12. Tomorrow I would like to — go to the mall to shop! I need to! Stress is killing me!!!!!