1. Have you ever had to confess something to a lover or friend? Yup.
2. How well do you handle rejection? I just let it pass.
3. What makes you feel old? Seeing the wrinkles on my face. I guess I need to get the wrinkle fillers I saw online the other day.
4. What makes you feel young? The Internet.
5. What’s something you are old school about? Old photos.
6. What TV show's seasons would you buy on DVD? Tell us why it rocks. Desperate Housewives. I love the story of the girls.
7. If you could create your own TV channel, what would it be? DVM Channel.
8. Where do you like to go for a day trip? To a beach in Sorsogon.
9. Name some things that you still want to do in your life. Travel abroad. Learn how to drive.
Cute Baby Dresses
Found this at Old Navy and I was drooling there every time. Sigh!
Look at those cute baby dresses! I want to own that for my baby. I also need to update my wardrobe now that my tummy is getting bigger. I am so sure I will be needing the best weight loss products there is after giving birth.Off to browse some maternity clothes for me.
Desperate Housewives Season 6

School Starts
... in 2 weeks.
We don't have a kid in school yet so we are not so problematic on school supplies, uniforms and enrollment. I guess we won't be doing it in four to five years from now. And I am so glad I still have a lot of time to prepare for that time to come. I will just enjoy being a mommy to this baby inside my tummy. And never have to worry also on the lipozene reviews that I read a few days ago. I can go on a diet while I am pregnant. I should do it after giving birth. Now i have time to pig out and eat whatever my heart wants. Woohoo!
We don't have a kid in school yet so we are not so problematic on school supplies, uniforms and enrollment. I guess we won't be doing it in four to five years from now. And I am so glad I still have a lot of time to prepare for that time to come. I will just enjoy being a mommy to this baby inside my tummy. And never have to worry also on the lipozene reviews that I read a few days ago. I can go on a diet while I am pregnant. I should do it after giving birth. Now i have time to pig out and eat whatever my heart wants. Woohoo!
We can now make shakes at home. I bought a blender after a long time not owning one last week. I am a fan of shakes specially Mango Shake. Whenever we eat out I always see to it that I have a shake on my order. Now I can make my own at home. In fact I made one this evening. Hubby love it so much. It was perfect for the hot weather. And did you know that fruits are also a good way of cleansing your tummy? Yes the fibers acts as if you undergone a colon cleanse. Now this made me think of getting back to my colon cleanse reviews I was reading a while ago.
I Love Fruits

Treadmill Equals Play Area
The treadmill at my parents house is now a play area for my nephew and niece. They always play there. I wonder what's in that place that they found their sanctuary. I guess the flat surface is a good place to lay their toys. Dad never got to use the treadmill as there are always toys there. I need to tell mom to keep them off that place.
I have a friend who always complain about her looks even if she is beautiful. She always complain about how rough her skin is. And how she adores the faces of celebrities and models in the US. Maybe she needs a blue light therapy. I think it is the only way to make her shut up. She loves derma and anything that will make her beautiful so I am sure she will love this one. I just hope that in the long run she won't complain again about her looks. It is so irritating already!
A Young Lady
My little niece is not little anymore. She begins to act like a grown up already. She starts to imitate what mom does. Doing some make up and wearing high heeled shoes. I bet someday this girl will look for some quicktrim to use one day. She loves wearing sexy dresses and walks like a model. She has a future as I can see. But it will still be a long time when she is able to become a full lady. Good luck my dear!
I was on my way to the grocery store when a friend texted me about phenphedrine. I haven't encountered that word and don't know what it means. She was asking me to buy phenphedrine for her when I passed by a store that sells it. I am not sure if I can get it as I was in a hurry to go back home. So I texted her back that I won't be able to get it for her. Maybe I'll try next time.
What's for Dinner?
As I am writing this blog post I can smell what's for dinner. Dried fish!!!! It's so smelly. The whole house smells like dried fish! hahaha! I think I am going to throw up! Ugh! But I know that I will love to eat that later. This pregnancy is so unpredictable! Some of my favorite foods are not my faves now. =( And I am irritated most of the time. Specially with the previous campaign ads on TV. I hate seeing candidates on TV. I wonder why. My favorite past time like window shopping online went away also. I was looking at this epson tm-t88iv as I was thinking of getting one even if I don't need it. Funny right?
I miss my husband so much. It will be a few more days of sacrificing to be with him again. I am just hanging in here. I survived the same last year and I can do this again this time. I just hope he'll come home early. It is never the same if he's not around specially if you are pregnant and looking for his face to pinch. Sigh!
Never Go Wrong
We are currently on a tight budget and doing grocery with only a few list on your hand is really hard. We need to slash on some unnecessary shopping and save. I wanted to buy gold bullion but maybe it can wait until this baby comes out of me. I promise that I will start investing for the good of my family. It is never wrong to have a lot of investment as long as you are investing with a good asset just like gold bullion. Gold are the highest form of metal and it never lose its value in time. So if you also plan on investing you can never go wrong in buying gold bullion.
My Summer 2010
As of this moment I only went on a swimming once and being pregnant I am lucky to at least have spent my summer in the pool with my relatives. I am happy with that. As some of the pregnant women they never got to go out of their houses. I declared to be on bed rest even if my OB didn't say so. I was so afraid to lose my baby once again. I want to take good care of him/her. But going out from time to time won't hurt me and my baby. I just need to take a lot of care in moving. =)