Leggings and Tutus


I love window shopping online. I saw this somewhere (sorry I forgot the link) while looking for free directories online. The dresses and leggings are to die for. Someday Cate will be using those things and I hope I will find similar ones at our local mall. Plus that tutu is so in right now. I saw a lot of little girls wear those, specially on parties. And I think it is cute. I just hope that when Cate reaches the age 7 or 8 she can still wear a tutu.


I was experiencing depression the other day. I think it was a mild post partum depression. I envy my husband who can mingle with his friends while I am at home taking care of Cate. I miss going out and meeting new friends. I miss having the time of my life. I headed to  depressiontreatment.net site and learned that there’s still cure to depression like what I experienced. Thank God for sites like this where you can get answers if you have a lot of questions from your head.


I need to read more articles about  natural diuretics but I am too sleepy. Cate is awake almost every two hours last night and I think I only slept 4 hours or less. I work on my bed and the soft sheets makes me want to lay down and close my eyes even if I need to accomplish a lot of things before the little girl wakes up. Ugh!


I am breastfeeding Cate to give her enough nutrition. I intend to do this until 2 years and beyond or until I have supply. This is new to me as I only got to breastfeed my first born for 2 weeks. He never suck milk from me so I just rely to pump my milk. And with Cate I am happy that she is drinking milk from me. Now what I need to do is to learn how to increase breast milk production so Cate will get enough milk from me.


As I was browsing the garage door parts that my husband is looking for the other day, I remembered that I haven’t done any of my tasks. So I checked my dashboard but to my surprise all of it expired! Yaiks! I really need to be more industrious in finishing my tasks on time. I need motivation in doing my work these days. I guess my mojo in blogging went with my delivery. hahahah!


Medicare plan is a great help specially to people who cannot afford hospitalization and healthcare. I salute all the people connected to Medicare profession as they help a lot of people.

We visited my sick uncle last November 1 at his house. I pity him so much. How I wish I have the time to take care of him. Thank God to people who loves and take care of him while he is sick. And I thank Medicare for his health care. My uncle is single and he is now in his 70’s. I pray that he will be fine. We will visit him again soon.

Bedroom and Bathroom Renovation

We are currently waiting for the carpenters to finish working at my parents house so they can start renovating our bedroom and bathroom. I am thinking of putting wall tiles on our bathroom. It’s been 4 years since it was worked on and never got to finish it. So this will be the perfect time to paint it and put on some orange tiles in it. Yes you read that right we are going to have an orange bathroom. I am so excited as I type this. I’ve been longing to do this for a long time.

We will need new and beautiful tiles to install in our bathroom so I am in the hunt right now for that. I asked a friend for some suggestions on where to get bathroom furniture and tiles. She gave me www.betterbathrooms.com as they tried them when they constructed their first house. And when I opened the site it was really a bathroom accessories heaven. They got everything I need! I am drooling on their photos! How I wish I can have a bigger bathroom but nah our house is small so no big bathroom for us.

If you also need some furniture, taps, baths, showers, mirrors, and bathroom accessories just visit betterbathrooms site. They have a nice range of bathroom necessities at affordable price. I am sure they have what you are looking for.

Yellow Door


Look at that beautiful yellow door! I want to have one like that in our house. I am thinking of painting yellow or red the back door in the kitchen. It will be a good area for portrait photography isn’t it? Oh well will just wait for the right time for our back door to be painted. I will just look for some Branson tickets that my friend is asking me to do since yesterday. Later!

Never complain

Mom renovated the dirty kitchen but I wasn’t impressed by the result. She should have installed the glass tile that I was suggesting to her. It will look more beautiful than what it looks like right now. Oh well what has been done is done so I just let it be. My mom is happy with it and I should never complain. It is not my house anyways! haha!