Good Make Up artists

I am watching America's Next Top Model Cycle 12 right now on ETC channel. I researched and Teyona Anderson won this cycle. I love her beautiful face. She is indeed a model. I wonder if those make up artists that do their make ups for every photo shoot went to Regency Beauty Institute. They are so good! I love all the make up of the contestants. The beauty really pops! And I think Regency Beauty institute is the best school for beauty learning. you should check them out and be one of their best sought graduates in the united States. Go now and make other peoples face beautiful!

This blog post was based on information provided by Blogitive. For more information, please visit or contact Regency Beauty Institute – 10217 North Metro Parkway West – Phoenix, AZ 85051


Tomorrow we will go to our house and start cleaning. It will be a general cleaning as the whole place is a mess. The renovation of our bedroom is now finished and in 2 weeks or so we can go back to our house finally! I will bring Cate tomorrow but she will stay in the car as it will be too dusty in there. I will ask my sister to be the baby sitter tomorrow. She didn’t replied when I asked her but I hope she’ll come. Oh well, I will just finish my lipozene search and then I am off to bed. Night!

Our Noche Buena


This was the Noche Buena we had last Christmas 2010. We had Chicken, Spaghetti, Buko salad, Siopao, Chocolate Cake, chiffon Cake, Quezo De Bola, Embotido and Vegetable Salad. I was hungry already at 11pm so when the clock strikes 12, I immediately asked the family to gather and eat. So what if I gain weight after eating this I will just take the slimming tablets that mom have. hahaha!

My New Do


Out with the old. in with the new… New Do it is!

This is me right now. Yes a new look for me this year. I got a chance to have a make over last December 31st. Cate permitted me to have an appointment at the salon that time and I am so thankful she just slept the whole time I was away. Thanks to my husband who took charge. Love you Honey!

I am loving my face right now. Don’t you? I have no pimples since I got pregnant. No more acne serum to look for as of now. I love it! I just hope it will continue this way. No more problems on how to cure the acne on my face.

Sleepy Me

I am so sleepy already but this baptism planning for my little Cate is keeping me awake and feeling very high! Ugh! I also need to read the pci compliant hosting that a friend suggested to me the other day. And I still have tasks to do. huhuhu! Sleep please visit me now. And what’s this? backache is killing me as well. Waaaahh!!! If I won’t finish my work tonight I will just wake up early later. So bye for now as I will lay my head in bed and hoping Mr. Sleep will visit me already.