Summer is Here!

It getting hot in here! Summer is finally here. I can feel it already! We don't usually open the aircon in the afternoon but now it is a must. I love summer so much. all the things we do during summer is making me happy. Trip to the beach and go on a swimming... yeah! I can't wait for us to go to Camarines Sur on Holy Week. We will be island hopping there. Exciting!


~ Play HERE! :)

1. Do you have a job? If so, what do you do?
~ Blogger. Its a job!

2. If you don't have a job, is it related to this crappy economy? What's next for you?
~ I have no answer for this question right now.

3. Do you see any upsides to quitting a job or being laid off? If so, what are they? If not, why not?
- Quitting? Nah! I don't quit.

Thanks to Chikai!

Chinese in 5 minutes

Learn Chinese in 5 Minutes
(Must Read Out Loud)

1) That’s not right = Sum Ting Wong
2) Are you harbouring a fugitive = Hu Yu Hai Ding
3) See me ASAP = Kum Hia
4) Stupid Man = Dum Fuk
5) Small Horse = Tai Ni Po Ni
6) Did you go to the beach = Wai Yu So Tan
7) I bumped the coffee table = Ai Bang Mai Fa Kin Ni
8) I think you need a face lift = Chin Tu Fat
9) It’s Very dark in here = Wai So Dim
10) I Thought you were on a diet = Wai Yu Mun Ching
11) This is a tow away zone = No Pah King
12) Our meeting is scheduled for next week = Wai Yu Kum Nao
13) Staying out of sight = Lei Ying Lo
14) He’s cleaning his automobile = Wa Shing Ka
15) Your body odor is offensive = Yu Stin Ki Pu
16) Great = Fa Kin Su Pah

Cool and funny huh?

Thanks Kathy for these!

Medical Supplies

If you are looking for some medical supplies online do drop by for a complete list of hospital and medical needs. They got a wide variety of choices in their store. I want to suggest this site to my sister in law who is a graduating medical student. I am sure when the time she will become a doctor she will have this site bookmarked. I also surfed the site and found out about different medical supplies that I didn't know exists just like this handicapped toilet. I really don't know that there is some kind of stuff like that. hihiihih!


I am so tired right now. I still have one task to blog and I need to finish it before going home. I need money so I need to work. I have a lot of debts to pay! huhuuhuh! poor me. We are on crisis right now. One of our bus got an accident last week. Got hit by a truck and the owner of the truck won't cooperate with us so the case will be brought to the court. I am so pissed! Its their fault. It is very visible that it is their fault. Hmp! I am sick of those people who are hard to please. I hate them!

Ok I better stop blabbing and continue on my work. I need to rest after this I promise!

How to pronounce Designer Names

Got this from Mommy Yen who snagged this from Alpha. Thanks girls!

Now I know that Hermes is pronounced without the H. Dumb me! LOL! I am laughing at my self right now. Now I know! As if I will say these designer names all the time. wahahahha! I can't even afford what they are selling. ROFL!

Pretty Earrings!

I am super sleepy already. I need to go home now and rest. My eyes are tired already. I hope I can get enough rest after so many days of waking up early. Tomorrow I will surely wake up late!

After all of these sacrifices I guess I need a prize. I want a Designer Jewelry this time. Hello Honey are you reading my blog. wahahahahha! Just to give you some idea, I found a great site on designer jewelries. It is called Holsted Jewelers. And my goodness I found this!
What a sweet and beautiful earrings! I love the colors so much! I love the elegant style yet very girlish. Plus it has my birthstone peridot in it! Weeee!!! I like! I like! i like! My mom will love this earrings too! We are both so into jewelries.

I love this site so much. I bookmarked all of the jewelries that I want. So I hope I can get those soon. I am pretty excited!

Twitter Tag

Snagged from Kaje.

1. Who invited you to join twitter? Aggie I think.

2. How many twitter updates have you made since you signed up? I have 4,517 updates.

3. How many direct messages have you received so far? I have 72 direct messages.

4. On an average, how many twits do you make a day? 15 I think.

5. How many followers do you have? 56.

6. How many are you following? 55

7. Have you ever blocked/denied follow requests? Yah. There are those whom I really don't know but kept on adding me.

8. What did you write in your one line bio? None I think.

9. Did you even bother to customize your twitter page? Nope. I just chose from the available designs there.

10. Do you think twitter is cool or is just a waste of time? Definitely cool!

One Word Answer

I snagged this from Mai :)

As the entry title says, give one word answers :) Better to give the first thing that comes to mind!

1. Where is your cell phone? Table.
2. Your significant other? Jun.
3. Your hair? Long.
4. Your mother? Abroad.
5. Your father? Director.
6. Your favorite thing? Computer.
7. Your dream last night? Forgotten.
8. Your favorite drink? Coke.
9. Your dream/goal? Mother.
10. The room you’re in? Bedroom.
11. Your hobby? Photography.
12. Your fear? Snakes.
3. Where do you want to be in 6 years? Nurse.
14. What you’re not? Tall.
15. Muffins? Chocolate.
16. One of your wish list items? Lens.
17. Where you grew up? Bicol.
18. The last thing you did? Blog.
19. What are you wearing? Pants.
20. Favorite gadget? Camera.
21. Your pets? Pepay.
22. Your computer? Samsung.
23. Your mood? Sleepy.
24. Missing someone? Huey.
25. Your car? None.
26. Something you’re not wearing? Earrings.
27. Favorite store? Booksale.
28. Like someone? Yes.
29. Your favorite color? Purple.
30. When is the last time you laughed? Now.

Happy Vacation

Holy week is near already. I saw in the news that the plane and ship fares went down to encourage the people to travel even if there is recession. It was a great deals for those who will go on a vacation this summer season. We will go on a vacation this holy week and I am glad that we will spend less than the usual fare.

Oh I remember, If you are looking for a great destination this summer you can check out this great Family Vacation site that I found a while ago. Mexico is the destination and Riviera Maya to be specific. It was a great place and great place to have a family vacation. They have a lot of beaches there complete with hotel commodities and for sure you won't regret going there. Your family will enjoy it there. I wanna go there too someday. It is my dream to travel and see a lot of places. discover new things and just relax and spend time with my husband. So check the Karisma Hotels site now and book your vacation.


Grabbed from Mai.

Will take a good rest later. I woke up early this morning and I am sleepy already.
Your Partner: Was at home to get the utensils used last March 10 in the celebration of Huey's death Anniversary.
Your Hair: Pony tailed.
Your Mother: is in Kuwait right now to visit my brother and his family.
Your Father: is at home right now playing solitaire.
Your Favorite Item: My PC.
Your Dream Last Night: I forgot my dream last night sorry.
Your Favorite Drink: Ice Tea.
Your Dream Car: Picanto. It's cute!
Dream Home: A Castle.
The Room You Are In: My parent's former bedroom
Your Fear: to be our future baby to be abnormal again.
Where You Want to be in Ten Years: Still here in the Philippines.
Who You Hung Out With Last Night: hubby and my family.
You’re Not: tall.
One of Your Wish List Items: A brand new car.
The Last Thing You Did: Blogged.
You Are Wearing: Pants and t-shirt.
Your Favorite Weather: cloudy.
Your Favorite Book: I am not a book lover.
Last Thing You Ate: KFC Snack Box.
Your Life: Happy
Your Mood: Sleepy.
Your Best Friend: In Manila.
What Are You Thinking About Right Now: Where my hubby is.
Your Car: We have a motorcycle only.
What Are You Doing At The Moment: Blogging.
Relationship Status: HAPPILY married

Super Text Twist.

Are you familiar with the browser-based puzzle game Text Twist? Look at the following words and be amazed what happens when the letters are rearranged.

THE EARTHQUAKES: That queer shake

DEBIT CARD: Bad credit

DORMITORY: Dirty room

THE MORSE CODE: Here come dots

ADMIRER: Married


SNOOZE ALARMS: Alas, No More Z’s

A DECIMAL POINT: I’m a dot in place

ELECTION RESULTS: Lies – let’s recount

ASTRONOMERS: No more stars / Moon Starers

THE EYES They see


SLOT MACHINES: Cash Lost in’em

STATUE OF LIBERTY: Built to Stay Free

ELEVEN PLUS TWO: Twelve Plus One

…and here’s a longer one:

Nail-biting refreshes the feet!

Grabbed from Mai.


I talked to my friend a while ago and she was really problematic about her mom. She is in her 50's and experiencing menopause. It is common to woman of her age but I want to comfort my friend. She loves her mom and she don't want her to be in pain. Her mom is experiencing the symptoms of menopause like Irritability, Crashing fatigue, Itchy, crawly skin, vaginal dryness, Breast tenderness, Depression and so many other things. I pity her mom also. I hope she will be fine and my friend will comfort her mom like the way she used to. Good Luck my friend. I know you and your mom can do it.

The Phone is for you

1. Your phone rings. Who is the most likely caller?
My Husband.

2. How long do you chat on the phone each day?
He never calls me. He just txts me how's my day.

3. Who do you speak to the most?
My sister.

4. Do you often not answer if a certain person comes up on your caller id?
Yup. I am bad. hihiihih!

5. Do you phone friends at work?

6. Do you make personal calls at work?
I don't work. heheheh!

7. Who do you always say “I love you” at the end of the call?
My husband.

8. Do you use a landline or cell more often?

9. Who in the blogosphere that you haven’t chatted with but would like to?
Faye. I want to ask her if she takes the best diet pills because she has great body. wink =)

snagged here.

What a Woman Should Have.

From Aggie.

enough money within her control to move out,
rent a place of her own,
even if she never wants to or needs to...

something perfect to wear whether the employer,
or date of her dreams wants to see her in an hour...

a past juicy enough that she's looking forward to
re-telling it in her old age....

one friend who always makes her laugh...and one who lets her cry...
(I'm lucky to have a lot )

eight matching plates, wine glasses with stems,
and a recipe for a meal,
that will make her guests feel honored...

a feeling of control over her destiny....

how to fall in love without losing herself...

how to quit a job,
break up with a lover,
and confront a friend without;
ruining the friendship...

when to try harder...and WHEN TO WALK AWAY...

that she can't change the length of her calves,
the width of her hips, or the nature of her parents..

that her childhood may not have been perfect...but its over...

what she would and wouldn't do for love or more...

how to live alone...even if she doesn't like it...

whom she can trust, whom she can't,
and why she shouldn't take it personally...

where to go..
be it to her best friend's kitchen table...
or a charming inn in the woods...
when her soul needs soothing...

what she can and can't accomplish in a day...
a month...and a year...

Disability insurance

Mom always tells us to be helpful to other people. She wants us to love other people even strangers. Last Monday, I saw this one blind man on the street the other day and I pity him a lot. I wanted to give him something but I don't have money on my pocket too. So I just offered him a little prayer and wish that he will get something to eat that day. I hope he will get a disability insurance soon. I search some online disability insurance and I found Allsup which has 97% success rate for those who complete the SSDI process with them. It is one of the leading provider of financial and health care services with disabilities nationwide. So I hope that there is someone if not me to help that blind man. He deserves to get that insurance.