Woohoo! I am P11,600 richer today! That was my money from blogging! I already got it from the bank. Amor sent it yesterday via xoom.com and I got it this morning. I am really happy I finally touched my own money from my own sweat!
But so sad to say it is for the payment of the windshield of our Bus. We will buy windshield in Manila. Damn that accident that crushed our bus windshield! Damn that Bus driver who quickly stopped and the bumper of his bus hits our Bus. Grrrr! I am so pissed! The worst part of it he did it in purpose! And he went off without any sorry from us! Grrrrrr!!!!
Well at least now I can share to Jun. I am sad seeing him so problematic about debts and money matters. Thats why I already got the money from Amor. I will start saving again for my dream camera. ;)
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