We went to Naga City

Yesterday we (Mom, Dad, Chin, Me and Jun) went to Naga City to attend to the burial of our Ninong Edmundo Simando Sr., the ex mayor of Garchitorena, Camarines Sur. It was a sad day. I saw his family crying and very sad. The scene was the same when Huey passed away. But I didn't carried by the tears overflowing on the funeral. I always tell myself that Huey and Ninong already met in heaven. They will take care of each other. I was also sad but I didn't cry.

Ninong was so good to us. He was a great person. He died of a certain illness I cannot tell exactly because I really don't know what happened to him. Jun and I are thankful he came into our lives. Rest in peace Ninong Edmundo.

We arrived at home at 3pm so I asked Jun if we can go to the Airport to just have a fun time with my sister. To eat bbq and meet up with his friend Mcdo (hihihih! i don't know why they call him Mcdo). It was a blast! I enjoyed talking to my sister about everything under the sun and laugh at the jokes of Jun and Mcdo. We ate bbq and fishballs. Drink Pepsi. And at 6:30 we went home.

What a day! After a sad scene came a very fun and wonderful ending of my day.

Thank God for this day!