This is my metamorphosis. Dad wrote this for the speech of mom on my 18th birthday. This was so special to me. Every word is memorized here in my heart. I love my parents so much!

On the evening of 31st of August 1983, a Wednesday was born a healthy petite baby girl weighting 6.0 pounds. The family was exhilarated by the arrival of the baby after the two naughty boys that preceded her in the household. She was named Diana, after the princess of England and the wonder woman who was then the only better television program available in the sole channel in Camalig then. The other name “Dulcie” was added after a relative and also the last name of a family friend who stayed in the small but cozy house when the baby was still in the womb.
Ninoy Aquino was just shot during the month and he was to be buried that week or so. Her birth was a respite from the hopelessness and gloom that was felt by every Filipino at that time.
The girl turned to be a very lively and extrovert lass. She was the darling of the house and that of the neighbors and relatives. She would readily sing and entertain any visitor in the house. Soon she would become popular in the community because she could sing the popular tune “THE GREATEST LOVE OF ALL”. If asked what her name is, she would answer, MY NAME IS DIANA DULCIE DILIMON BONGKAYO RIVA VIBAR. And people will laugh at the relationship between Dulcie and the sweet smile of the cute, fat and dimpled girl.
At age five, she enrolled in the Local Day Care Center and later in the Kindergarten School of the Parish just across the Catholic Church in the Poblacion. At her young and tender age she was noted to be good in arts and music. She had good penmanship and could draw figures and quickly memorize passages and lyrics. She would hum whatever tune she hears on the radio and was ahead of others of her age when it comes to anything seen on television, especially advertisements.
In the elementary grades, she was enrolled in the Camalig South Central School but later transferred, albeit reluctantly, to Cabangan Elementary School because the family have to occupy the newly built house at the Anson Subdivision. This is the house I am speaking about. She grew up here and would be very close with her baby sister Donna Dawn.
In High School, she gladly chose to be enrolled at Saint Agnes Academy. She developed the trait of being always prompt and hated being late in any undertaking. Because she was basically a nice person to be with, she had many friends and I don’t remember of any occasion hearing her complaining of any person she would not like to be with.
She is somewhat a daddy’s girl considering her closeness to her father. She’s a look-alike of her daddy that’s why.
In college, she passed the college entrance exam of Bicol University but assigned in Tabaco Campus to take up nursing. After weighting the pros and cons of having to board in Tabaco, she enrolled at AMA Computer College in Legazpi to take up Computer Science. She doesn’t like nursing anyway. She’s more at home in computers and can practice the arts with the use of information technology.
That’s my daughter and birthday girl Diane. I want you all to know that I am very proud of her. Me and her Daddy loves her very much.