Are you mad about anything?
*** nope.
Your former best friend is getting beat up really bad in a fight, do you help out?
*** yup. I'll just call some help.
Are you listening to music?
*** Yes to the sound of Pet Society in Facebook. hihihi! I am an addict! LOL!
When's the last time you had a birthday party?
*** last year. It was a simple and happy celebration.
When will be the next time you have a birthday party?
*** in August. I will just have a simple celebration again with my family.
Are you planning on going to college?
*** I'm done with school.
Do you smoke weed everyday?
Could you go a month without cursing?
*** yeah.
Are you currently reading a book?
*** Nope. Not a book lover sorry.
Have you ever ridden a horse?
*** just once.
What's the funniest movie you've ever seen?
*** 50 First Dates
Are you scared of sharks?
*** yup very much! That is the reason why I hate swimming in the sea.
You can take one person on vacation with you, who do you take?
*** my dear hubby of course!
Have you met your dream guy/girl?
*** YES and we're happily married.
What are you wearing?
*** shorts and t-shirt.