A Day Off
Christmas Party!
Ok mom is still doing some healthy cooking right now. We will be having our family reunion later this evening. I am too excited. I will see my dear cousins once again. There will be lots of eating and partying later. I am also excited for the exchange gift! hihihi! I wonder who got my name. I already have my gift to my manita and I am sure she'll like it!
Ok I still need to decorate our garage because it will be our venue for the party. Later guys!
Bed Talk
Tag Train 10
Riding along the train this week:
1. What is your worst habit? Procastination
2. What is your best physical feature? Dimples
3. What is your most overused phrase? Korek!
4. What is your favorite salad dressing? Caesar’s
5. What is your favorite scent or perfume? Victoria's Secret
6. Who makes you laugh the most? Hubby cracking corny jokes.
7. Never under any circumstance would I…..? eat cockroaches! eeeewwww!!!
8. Have you ever run away from home? No.
9. Can you whistle? Yes. And hubby can't.
10. What is the last song you’ve sung? My Only Wish This Year by Britney Spears.
Christmas Temptation
Merry Christmas everyone!
Two Tiny Feet
Two tiny feet
That wave in the air
Two tiny hands
That tug at your hair
Cute bottom for patting
Adorable face
A bundle of joy
To love and embrace
Author unknown
Gift Shopping
My friends are already done with their gift shopping and they are in gift wrapping stage already. Some of my friends are on vacation and they emailed me that they will be staying to one of the grandest hotel in las vegas. I envy them now. huhuhu!
Ok enough blabbing I need to wrap some of the gifts I shopped the other day.
How am I doing?
Ok I will eat my dinner now and will continue reading more about golf equipment to the site that my friend suggested. I am thinking of buying my fave uncle a golf club this Christmas.
Shopping Money
This is Cute!
Busy Girl
Ok I need to finish my work first. I'll be back!
Perfect Gift for Christmas!

Looking for a perfect gift for your girl friends? Then the Holiday Glass Frames From Zenni Optical is the best one! You can find a great selection and they have a lot of beautiful frames for you to choose from. The popular online eyeglasses shop which is Zenni Optical is offering an $ 8 Complete Rx Eyeglasses. Isn't that nice? What a great deal! I will get some eyeglasses for my sister and girl friends for Christmas. I am sure they will love it!
Flirtatious and Sexy!
What This Outfit Says About You |
![]() You are flirtatious, attractive, and even sexy. You are vivacious and lively. People feel happier being around you. You have a deep inner beauty, and it just makes you even more beautiful on the outside. It's like you wrote the book on how to be charming. Your high end fashion designer match: BCBG Max Azria Your must have accessory: A beaded necklace |
Wow!! At least I am sexy, attractive and flirtatious on this quiz! wahahahha! Thanks Blogthings! I feel inspired with this quiz!
Christian Videos
New Niece

Get this freebie over at my other blog.
Enjoy and happy Scrapping!
All Around
New Paper Scrap LO from Me
Weeeee!! This is really accomplishing to me! I always want to scrap the paper way and last night I was really forcing myself to sit on my scrap are and scrap. And guess what I made?
Sexy Again!
The Policy
This Policy is valid from October 22, 2008.
This blog is a personal blog written and edited by me. For questions about this blog, please contact dayeen05@yahoo.com.
This blog accepts forms of cash advertising, sponsorship, paid insertions or other forms of compensation.
The compensation received may influence the advertising content, topics or posts made in this blog. That content, advertising space or post may not always be identified as paid or sponsored content.
The owner(s) of this blog is compensated to provide opinion on products, services, websites and various other topics. Even though the owner(s) of this blog receives compensation for our posts or advertisements, we always give our honest opinions, findings, beliefs, or experiences on those topics or products. The views and opinions expressed on this blog are purely the bloggers’ own. Any product claim, statistic, quote or other representation about a product or service should be verified with the manufacturer, provider or party in question.
This blog does not contain any content which might present a conflict of interest.

I saw one at my cousins house and I think I can still play that even if I am old already! LOL! Hubby will be very happy if we have this. He won't be bored in our house and won't be always outside the house with his friends. Will save up for this so that he will stay in our house and never leave. bwahahaha! He told me he loves playing computer games before and plays super mario a lot when he was in College. I know this will make him happy.
For my Niece
We ate at those fine dining restaurants and I had a great time eating there. The foods are yummy and I got a happy tummy after eating to those restaurants.
one thing caught my eyes is this family with a baby in strollers. He is so cute. I remember Huey during those times.I got sad but happy at the same time. The family is a foreigner and their baby is the cutest! He has blue eyes and blonde hair.
Speaking of strollers, I need to get one for my niece. It will be my baptism gift for her. She is still on her mother's womb and I wanna get one as early as now. I browsed BabyEarth.com and found this lovely.

Yen's Blog Contest
Yen is having a contest over at her blog.
Here are the PRIZES:
First Prize
$ 40 from Yennygirl
$ 10 and 500 EC From Swept Away
2000 EC from Indo Contest
1000 EC from A Life in Bloom
1000 EC from Affiliatizer
1000 EC from ThemeLib
125×125 ad for one month from Wonderful Things in Life
125×125 ad for one month from Creative in Me
Symphony of Love Pictorial Ebook of Love Quotations
~{values at $6.95} from Symphony of Love
Blog Review plus 125×125 ad for one month from Live From Waterloo
Second Prize
$10 from Yennygirl
$10 from My Happy Place
$10 from Suburban Sass
2000 EC Credits from WordPress for Beginners
1000 EC from Because Life is a Blessing
1000 EC from When Silence Speaks
1000 EC from Wiehanne Lounge
125×125 ad for one month from Music of My Heart
Symphony of Love Pictorial Ebook of Love Quotations
~{values at $6.95} from Symphony of Love
Third Prize
$10 from Fab Finds, Etc.
$10 from I AM DZOI
$10 from Mommy Talks. Wife Stories
1000 EC from Digiscraptology
1000 EC points from Wonderful Things in Life
1000EC points from Heart Random
125×125 ad for one month from LittlePeanut
Symphony of Love Pictorial Ebook of Love Quotations
~{values at $6.95} from Symphony of Love
Fourth Prize
$5 and 500 EC From Official Chosen Fate
$ 8 and 200 EC from Walk on Red
$5 from Living the Healthy Life
1000 EC from Etc-Atbp.
125×125 ad for one month from Around the World
Symphony of Love Pictorial Ebook of Love Quotations
~{values at $6.95} from Symphony of Love
Fifth Prize
$ 5 from Stripe and Yellow
$ 5 from Doll Me Up
300 EC From The Scrapaholic Me
200 EC From It’s Where My Heart Is
125×125 ad for one month from Blogging for Bloggers
125×125 ad for one month from Pea in a Pod
RSS Text Link for one month from Blog for Beginners
Symphony of Love Pictorial Ebook of Love Quotations
~{values at $6.95} from Symphony of Love
Yummy prizes isn’t it? so do join now because the contest will be up to October 24th only.
Good Luck!
Happy Birthday Contest
Jacq is having a contest over at her blog for her daughter’s 2nd birthday.
Head over at her blog and get a chance to win $15 paypal money and $5 to two person who can post the best birthday greetings to her adorable little girl IYAH.
Happy Birthday Iyah!
Continue being a good girl and I wish you good health and happiness in life!
Happy Birthday!
I still need to finish researching about family health insurance. My mom is asking me to do this while I am on vacation. Perfect timing.
I need to go. I need to take a photo of the sunset here. Bye!
Cook a Recipe Gift
Tag Train #4
1. What's the age difference between you and your eldest sibling? He is now 31 years old. I am 25. So the age gap is 6 years. :)
2. Do you believe that there's always room in your heart for your first true love? He will always be remembered but that doesn't mean he still has a room in my heart. It's occupied already. LOL!
3. What is your zodiac sign? Virgo
4. Why did you hug the last person you hugged? Because I love him. And I am taking about my husband.
5. Who is the last person of the opposite sex that made you smile? My husband. He makes me smile everyday without any reason.
6. Do you have trust issues? Hmmm with some friends.
7. Where will you be tonight? At my relatives place. My Lola's sister died and we will visit her.
8. Who are you texting? My friend.
9. Do you believe everything happens for a reason? Definitely!
10. If the person who hurt you the most in your life apologized and told you they loved you what would you do? I will forgive him/her but it will be hard to forget.
11. Last time you had a yummy chocolate ice cream? Last Week.
12. Are you mean? Maybe. hihiihih!
13. Who do you trust the most in your life? My husband. I love him a lot!
14. What do you miss most about your past? Me being so skinny and I can fit to a small size tee. Hmmm... that made me think again of getting a good weight loss pill. :)
15. If given a chance, would you change your name? No. I love my name a lot!
How am I right now?
Blog Should be Blue
Your Blog Should Be Blue |
![]() Your blog is a peaceful, calming force in the blogosphere. You tend to avoid conflict - you're more likely to share than rant. From your social causes to cute pet photos, your life is a (mostly) open book. |
Boracay Here We Come!
Questions of the Week 30
1. When did you last wonder if you are in the right path of your life? Hmmm... last month I think. But I am sure that I am on the right path right now.
2. Share or admit the most selfish thing you do on a regular basis. Always in front of the pc and never even help mom in the kitchen. Bad!
3. Name three people throughout your life that helped to complete you as a person. My mom, dad and Jun.
4. It says that when a person die your spirit could protect anyone in the world, who would you pick? My husband.
5. What makes you feel dirty? Physically, I mean. I feel dirty when I am cleaning and cooking. Sweaty! Yuck!
6. Do you ever find it hard not to smile at a time when you don’t want to? Yep!
7. What do you do to stay physically fit? I try to watch what I eat.
8. What do you do if you suspect you have a symptom of a serious illness? Take medicine.
9. What do you do when you have nothing better to do? Browse the net and dream on those cruises that I saw online.
10. Do you laugh when you see a stranger trip and fall in public? Sometimes.
Tag Train 5
1. What do you carry with you at all times? My ballpen.
2. Where are you most ticklish? Every part of my body. LOL!
3. Have you ever finished a rubik’s cube? No. I have no patience on those.
4. What were you doing at 8:00 this morning? Just woke up.
5. Do you like your life as of now? Very much!
6. Last thing you purchased? Magazines from Booksale.
7. How’s your heart lately? Very much in love with my husband.
8. Did you have a good birthday last year? Yep! I am happy at that time.
9. Who was at your house last besides family? My Yaya.
10. Do you sleep with the TV on? Sometimes but I prefer it off.
11. Have you ever wanted to be a firefighter? Never thought about it.
12. Do you have anything in your pockets right now? No pockets here.
13. How many windows are open on your computer? Six.
14. What can’t you wait for? For hubby to come home from Baguio.
15. Did you do this tag because you were bored? Nah. This is FUN!
Dreaming of Huey
This happenings on my life is making me sad a little bit. I guess I need to find a nice destination for my vacation to unwind. I dream of going outside the Philippines but it is too expensive for me. And I guess this Las Vegas travel site will be visited in my dreams also. Sigh!
In Baguio
New Look
The Idol 2008 is making me busy. This is a contest of the scrappinmoms. I am one of the remaining 19 participants. Now I remember I need to book my flight on Oct 4. But first I need to find a good flight deals. I am excited to see my scrapbooking friends again!
Looking for a Job in Manila
Blog Contest Winners
I forgot to draw the winners last night. I was too tired I went off to bed after I got home, so I was in a hurry to do it today. I have no one to do the drawing so I did it myself. Sorry for the no thrill drawing. Hubby is leaving for Baguio and as you all know I have no child. So no one will draw the winners except me.
Here are the winners:
Click the photo to view it larger.
Winner of $10.
The winner of $5.
The winners of scrapbook magazines as consolation prize. I picked 5 instead of 4.
To the winners of paypal money please send to me your paypal address. If you don have my email address you can reach me via the contact form on this blog. And to the winners of the scrapbook magazines, I will be sending them to you this week. Kindly send to me also your mailing addresses. Thank you so much!
Stay tuned because I will be having another contest next week for the first anniversary of A Handful of Surprises blog. Weeee!!!
Birthday Contest
My birthday is 3 days to go (August 31 is my birthday!!! weeee!!!). Perfect for a birthday contest right?
Here are the Prizes: $10 paypal money for the first winner and $5 for the second. I will also pick 4 people to win my 12 scrapbooking magazines( this is already used magazines).
So here are the mechanics of my contest:
1. Blog about this contest and put all my blogs on your post.
2. Comment here if you are finished posting on your blog. You can increase the chances of winning by posting this contest on all of your blogs. 1 entry per blog.
3. Deadline will be on September 2, 2008, 12 pm(Philippine time). The contest will run for 5 days.
So go and post this contest and win!!!
Thanks and Happy blogging!!!
*The party hat that I am wearing in this photo is different from my entry to the Week #1 of the Scrappinmoms Idol 2008. Just for clarification.
Beautiful Weet
Chi's Blog Contest
I joined Chikai's blog contest for her upcoming birthday. Well, I am just trying my luck! Who knows this might be my lucky day!
Do check her amazing blogs here if you have time.
Cherry’s Comfort Zone
Thinking Out Loud
DigiScrapz: Captured Memories
Buzzy Me
Wishing and Hoping
Fab Finds, Etc.
I you want to join the contest read more here.
{Happiness and Sadness}
~Start Copy~
Here are the Rules:
1. List the things that make you Happy and those that make you Sad.
2. Add your Blog to the list. Feel free to add all your other Blogs.
3. Tag other online friends you know.
Participants: T?ni’s Attachments, Cecile2’s-Small and Simple Things, Lara’s Pinay dot US, Lara’s My Blog Entry, Lara’s Byaheng Pinay, Living A’ La Mode, Bits and Pieces, My Life in this Wonderful World, My Online World, Ozzy’s Mom, Me,Myself+2, Kidd Designs, Fun|Fierce|Fabulous , Eds Mommy Life, Just Me.. Eds, My Precious Niche, Music of my Heart,Me and Mine | Creative in Me | For the LOVE of Food | Little Peanut | Pea in a Pod | It’s Where the HEART Is | Around the World | SugarMagnolias | I Am Mommy | All About The Memories | Enchanted Play | Just My Scrap | A Handful of Surprises | My Paper Scraps | I Am A Nikon Girl | Digitally Diane | Somewhere Over the Rainbow | YOUR BLOG
* Remembering Huey. Makes me sad also but happy most of the time.
* A Kiss from hubby.
* Malling.
* A date with hubby.
* Paper and digital scrapbooking.
* Going online.
* Photography.
* to be with my family.
* Buying magazine from Booksale.
* Travelling.
* When hubby and I argue.
* I am sick.
* Being hungry. hihiihi!
* No internet.
* Brown Out.
* All of the tasks are gray and pink. sigh!
~ End Copy ~
I need a good Massage!
So, how was your weekend peeps? Mine was pretty boring.
Online Diva
Yes, you are an Online Diva!
{start copying here}
The button is a Flair created by Litzie!
1. Post the button in your blog.
2. Please link back the person that gave the button to you.
3. If you have more than one blog, please post this to all of your blogs so your other blogs can be listed to the master list too.
4. You need to pass the button to at least 4 people that you think are also divas in any way.
5. Come back here and leave your post url so you can be added to the master list and help increase our rankings.
6. Please add to the list below a reason why you love being online all the time.
Online Divas:
1. All Merging in the Path of My Life
2. My Big Picture
3. Walk on Red with Me
4. Supah MaMa Wannabe
5. The Stories of a Now SAHM
6. When Mom Speaks
7. Kathycot Cooking With a Twist
8. All My Memories
9. Enchanted Play
10. I Am Mommy
11. A Handful of Surprises
12. My Paper Scraps
13. Digitally Diane
14. Somewhere Over the Rainbow
15. I am a Nikon Girl
Reasons why I am an Online Diva:
1. Litzie - It helps me pass time when I’m at work and don’t have any patient to attend to.
2. Jacq - It connects me to friends all over the world. It gives me work and lets me shop to all my favorite stores without leaving my home.
3. Diane - I can earn money and communicate with friends.
{end copying here}
Do You Need to Lose Weight?
Your Weight is Ideal |
![]() Your BMI is 23.4 - a healthy BMI falls between 18.5 and 25 Congratulations, you are the perfect weight for your height. Even though you may not be entirely happy with your weight, you are healthy. So gain or lose a few pounds if you want, but don’t go too crazy! Don’t agree? Blame the government standards we based this test on! |
In the Dark
LO Share: Bride
And this time I am the bride!
I love this kit of Kathryn Wilson called Zen Garden. I love the papers and the asia inspired elements. Perfect for this photo.
You can view the credits on my {we are} storytellers gallery here.
Thanks for looking! I hope you like it!
Sexy Again???
Intelligent Girl
Our Move
New LOs to share
I made a lot of LOs and never share it here. Gosh I am so bad!
Enjoy all of my pages!
View the credits here.
I need a New Computer Table
Need a new Memory
What Flavor Lip Gloss Are You?
You Are Cherry Kiss Lip Gloss |
![]() You're a total girly girl who's every guy is sweet on. You take pleasure in the simple things in life, from cute t-shirts to stuffed animals. Any guy needs to match your romantic idealism to win your heart, which is why few have. No wonder Cherry your signature flavor. It's delicious, sugary, and fun - like you! |
A Hat Collector
My older brother is a hat collector. He has a lot of hats on their house. I saw it on the picture he sent us. His cap are signature lines and the very cool ones. He gave one to my husband and loved it also. My husband love caps too. The photo above is the one I want to buy for me and my husband. I love the colors of these caps. Perfect for sunny days right? I wonder if there is a cap on our Mall here in Bicol.
Long Time No Talk
Tag: Travel to 7 Continents…
Wilson Tagged me. Thanks a lot Wilson!
Rules :
1. Start Copy from “Begin Copy” until “End Copy”.
2. Put your blog’s name and url write in which continent you live, add the country you live in. Example : My Imaginary Travels (Netherlands)
3. Leave your url post in here and I’ll add you to the Master List.
4. Please help spread this tag by tagging your friends as much as you can.
5. Don’t play unfair! If you have more than 1 blog, you can participate all your blogs for this tag. BUT you will have to post this tag to all your blogs as well. So, please. Don’t cheat!
6. Please come back again to copy the update of the master list, often. This process will help new participants to get the same gains as the first participants.
7. Don’t forget to use the banner at your post, you can save as or you can just copy the code in here.
Master List :
A. Asia : 1. Moms… Check Nyo (Philippines) 2. Aeirin’s Collections (Philippines) 3. Jenny and Belle(Philippines) 4. Hailey’s Beats and Bits (Philippines) 5. Appleofmyeyes(Saudi Arabia) 6. Deranged Insanity (Philippines) 7. PROJECT HEAVY TRAFFIC (Singapore) 8. Rooms of My Heart (Indonesia) 9. Blessings and Beyond (Philippines) 10. lancerlord (Singapore) 11. allinkorea (Korea) 12. kimchiland (Korea) 13. korean food (Korea) 14. idealpinkrose (Korea) 15. Pinay Mommy Online (Philippines) 16. Momhood Moments (Philippines) 17. Business Mars (Philippines) 18. Maiylah’s Snippets (Philippines) 19. Picture Clusters (Philippines) 20. My Wanderings (Philippines) 21. Hit-or-Miss (Philippines) 22. Life Quest (Philippines) 23. FunFierceFabulous (Phils) 24. and Life Goes On for… (Philippines) 25. Moments of Colours (Philippines) 26. Making sense… (somehow) (Philippines) 27. Day To Day (Philippines) 28. My Happy Place 29. Me and Mine (Japan) 30. Little Peanut (Japan) 31. Creative In Me (Japan) 32. Pea in a Pod (Japan) 33. The Sweet Life (Philippines) 34. WilStop (Philippines), 35. Lets Travel Philippines (Philippines), 36. Dare to Blog (Philippines), 37. Life Realities (Philippines), 38. WebGeek Journal… (Philippines), 39. WebGeek Journal (Philippines), 40. Webline Help Desk (Philippines) 41. BlogHop (Philippines) 42. A Handful of Surprises (Philippines) 43. My Paper Scraps (Philippines) 44. Digitally Diane (Philippines) 45. Somewhere Over the Rainbow (Philippines) 46. Your Blog
B. Australia : 1. Reflexes (Australia) 2. Emcee 3. Outback-Pinay 4. your turn
C. Afrika : 1. your turn
D. North Amerika : 1. Simple Life, Simply Me (USA) 2. Pinaymama’s Diary (USA) 3. 3 Garnets & 2 Sapphires (United States) 4.Traipsey Turvey (USA) 5. Dabawenyako (USA) 6. Icelog (USA) 6. The Misadventures of an Ordinary Housewife (USA) 7. It Is Nap Time (US) 8.A Mother’s Journal (USA) 9. Journey And Journal [USA] 10. Life is good and beautiful (USA) 11. Tasteful Voyage (USA) 12. Jenny’s Wandering Thoughts (USA) 13. Mom Knows Everything (Canada) 14. Filipino love stories (USA) 15. A Mom’s Note (USA) 16. Life with the Two Crazy Dogs 17. BLOGSILOG (USA) 18. your turn
E. South Amerika : 1. your turn
F. Europe : 1. My Imaginary Travels (Netherlands) 2. Juliana’s Site (Netherlands) 3. Picturing of Life (Netherlands) 4. SuperMae (Portugal) 5. The Callalily Space (The Netherlands) 6. Portia (UK) 7. Daily Grind (Germany) 8. Amel’s Realm (Finland) 9. your turn
G. Antarctica : 1. your turn
~End Copy Here~
I am tagging everyone on my blogroll. =)
Gift Baskets
Cluttered Mind
Your Mind is 0% Cluttered |
![]() Your mind is clear, focused, and downright zen like. You have the amazing ability to almost completely control your thoughts. Are you sure you're human? |
Top Wrinkle Cream for Mom
Which Sex and the City Vixen Are You?
You Are Most Like Charlotte! |
![]() You are the ultimate romantic idealist You've been hurt before, but that hasn't caused you to give up on love. If anything, your resolve to fall in love is stronger than ever. And it's this feminine optimism that men find most appealing about you. Romantic prediction: That guy you are seeing (or crushing on)? Could be very serious - if you play your cards right! |
Flash drive
Last Monthly Celebration
Laptop Memory
Rest where are you?
I still need to read this progesterone thing. Sigh I need rest!
This is my sister a.k.a my model. She is so photogenic and I am so proud of her. She is so natural right?
Here are my photos:
She was just fitting mom’s dress on her bedroom and I said to come out and do a photo shoot. She put on her shoes and there we go to moms garden. And I was clicking away because she is such a good model. I had a great time shooting and editing these pictures. Thanks sis!
I want to go somewhere on June. Sort of a vacation for me and hubby. I might try to discover other places here in Bicol. But I am dreaming of going outside the Philippines. It is my dream.. to travel. And Rome is my first target. We will try those Rome hotels there and just relax in our vacation. Sigh! I guess it will be long to go there. I need to save save and save more. I always check the net for some photos and articles about Rome and I am in love over and over again with the place. It is my favorite place to travel.
I will miss my hubby but he said he will be away for 2 days only since he will go back here in Bicol on Friday evening. He will left the bus there with the other driver. I think they can handle it already. Hubby needs to be back on Saturday because he will attend the baptism of his inaanak. Of course I will be there too to take some pictures of the event. That will be our gift to the family.
Diane says, KAYA!
This is the hardest challenge that I made for the KAYA challenge. Lagot si Nina sa akin kapag naka luwas ako ng Manila kasi pina iyak nya ako sa paggawa ng LO na ito. But coming up to this LO made me realize that it is healthy to be feel this. It is healthy to cry. I also realize that there are a lot of people who still loves me. Specially Jun. And thanks to my scrapbook friends I am slowly letting my feelings out and shared via scrapbooking. I am so happy to belong on this group. Thanks Nina my dear friend for this challenge! I miss you!
Symbol: White and Blue Balloons.
I am not ok right now. You may see a lot of happy posts and pictures of me smiling and laughing on my blogs but you only see the physical side of me. The wound is not completely healed and I think won’t be completely healed. And it hurts me a lot. I miss my little darling so much! I still cry every night with out my husband noticing it. Yes I am strong but I just keep my soft side. I hate crying. I hate other people see
me cry. I hate being weak. And this is also what I hate about me. Not letting out what I really feel. The guilt is still here in my heart.The blaming, the scenes in the
hospital, the face of Huey inside the coffin, the crying people surrounding me, the burial and that hurts me a lot. How am I going to let go of this? God help me! 10-03-07
Adobe Photoshop CS2, In My Mommy’s Dream Kit by Jofia Devoe at Thedigichick.com, Worn Photo Overlay by Danielle at Catscrap.com, Glittery Alpha by Leora Sanford at Littledreamerdesigns.com, Tape Measure by Tia Bennett, Font: Amaze
I made this LO with Adobe Photoshop CS2 software, Add some drop shadows to make LO pop. Blended the balloon photo on the background. Layering.
Friendship Around the World!
::Start Copy Here::
1. Copy from ::Start Copy Here:: through ::End Copy Here::.
2. Add your blog to the list. Feel free to add all your other blogs. Just make sure to post this to each of the blog you added in the list.
3. Tag other online friends you know.You don’t need to be tag in order to join. If you want to join just post this one in your blog.
4. Let me know your blog’s name and url by leaving me a comment HERE. I will add you to the master list.That way, everyone is happy and can meet new friends too!
5. Come back once in a while to get the master list! Let’s see how this makes our Technorati and PR goes up!
6. DO NOT REMOVE THIS: scrap page made by Yen. Using alphas and tapes from Kate H., flowers from Ida,paper by Catrine.
1. Me and Mine 2.Creative In Me 3.Little Peanut 4. Pea in a Pod 5. Sugar Magnolias 6.Because Life Is Fun 7. Piece o’Kaje 8. Mon a Bric 9. Celebrate Life 10.My Journey11. Deeply In Love 12. Pink and Brown Diaries 13. Happyheart 14. Wilstop 15. Fun|Fierce|Fab 16. Nita’s Random Thoughts 17. Nita’s Corner 18. Thomas Web Links 19. Thomas Travel Tales 20. Make Money Online 21. Great Finds and Deals 22. PRC Board Exam Results 24. My Wandering Thoughts 25. Nita’s Ramblings 26. Just Me.. Eds 27. Etc Atbp 28. When Silence Speaks 29. Juliana’s Lair 30. Juliana’s World 31. Juliana’s Library 32. Blessed Chic 33. Can of Thoughts 34. Hailey’s Domain 35. Hailey’s Beats and Bits 36. ISL family 37. Arbitrary Thoughts 38. D’ Cooking Mudra 39. My Big Picture 40. Dancing in Midlife Tune 41. Blessings In Life 42. My Colorful World 43. Dare to Blog 44. Life Realities 45. WebGeek Journal DotNet 46. WebGeek Journal 47. Let’s Travel Philippines 49. MY DAILY THOUGHTS AND MOODS 50. A Sweet Taste Of Life 51. My Life in this Wonderful World! 52. Denz Techtronics 53. Denz Recreational 54. Surviving Deplyoment 55. Ester’s Raptured Dreams 56. Nipa Hut 57.Picture Clusters 58. My Wanderings 59.Maiylah’s Snippets 60. EuLehKulit 61. Life Quest 61.Being a wife. Being a Mom. 62. MoMie SPace 63.Woman Xplore 64. PinayWAHM 65. Agring’s Simply Digital 66. Agring’s Home & Garden 67. Agring’s Homecooking & Baking 68. Agring’s Electronics & Entertainments 69. Scrap Addict Sundays 70. Mommy Talks 71. Aggie Scraps 72.Teacher’s Corner 73. My Drift 74. lancernews 75. My so called Life 76. See Me for what You Will… 77. kathycot.com 78. buhaymisis.com 79. All about Mye life 80. Everything has a Reason 81. Life’s Impression 82. Some Thoughts I have 83. Life’s Lessons 84. Just Let Go 85. Pieces Of Me 86. Winding Creek Circle 87. BOTH SIDES NOW 88. Happy Life 89. Blessed Sanctuary 90.Confessions of an Army Life 91. moms….. check nyo 92. Mommy’s Little Corner 93. Wanna Be SuperModel 94. Gandacious 95. Jo-Jo’s Place 96.My Quiet Zone 97. Proud PINAY 98. Simply Jen 99. Jenny Said So 100. A Slice of Life 101. My Blog 102. TIP OF AN ICEBERG 103. Coffee Cup Princess 104. Deranged Insanity 105. Just Another Day 106. Stev & Emz Journey 107.Runaway THoughts of Emz 108. Heart of Rachel 109. Nora’s Notes 110. In the Life Of Mine 111. In my Kitchen 112. Nyumix’s Blog 113. Everything’s Here 114.Out of Nowhere 115. My Simple World 116. Seek Health. Feel Great 117. Smile Puppies 118. Almanacqueen 119. The Life of an Outback Pinay 120. Dancing With Butterflies 121. Bits and Pieces 122. Whats Up! 123. Simply Me 124. A Mothers Horizon 125. A Handful of Surprises 126. My Paper Scraps 127. Digitally Diane 128. Somewhere Over the Rainbow 129. YOUR BLOG HERE!
::End Copy Here::
I’m tagging everyone on my blogroll.
Now and Then
This is a tag made by Aggie. I had fun browsing from my box of photos and reminiscing the memories with the old photos I have. I smile every time I saw the one with Huey in it. I am not sad anymore because I know he is fine to where he is now. I am happy. And I also laugh and giggle at those high school photos of mine. Thank you so much for this tag Aggie!
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Aggie wants to see pictures of YOU through the years!!
The Rule:
Post a picture of YOU through the years. You can post as far back as you can and as far back as what you can dig with your pictures. Finish your post and tag three people Link up the BLOG post you had your entry on (let’s keep this real and not a viral link exchange, people, kies? Thanks! :D)
Blogs who participated:
1. Aggie - Mommy Talks. Wife Stories. 2. Yen 3. Glo 4. Jacq 5. Buge 6. Joy 7. Thea 8. Diane
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Don’t laugh on my pictures ok? LOL!
This are my photos as a baby. I am a chubby one. See my dimples on the first photo? Cu-teeee!!!!!
I am such a happy kid. I always smile when someone takes a picture of me. LOL on the last photo. Sobrang smile naman yun!
First and second photo pacute kuno. Third photo playing teacher teacher. I love writing on my black board with the 1 box of chalk that mom bought me.
At ten years old. A skinny one.
My High School Photos. Yes I am also a studio girl. I have a natural curly hair back then. I have straight hair now. I had it straightened at the parlor. I always want to have straight hair. I hate having curly hair.
The first photo was taken at Baguio City after my HS graduation. Second photo was during my first year Physical Education. Third photo was my craziness of the VHF radio. This is where hubby and I met. The “over over!” thing.
This was the year 2002 when hubby and I was still BF/GF. Second photo was taken when my sister got hospitalized because of asthma. Kami yung bantay. LOL! Third photo was taken in Pili, Camarines Sur. Wala lang pumunta lang kami dun. Trip lang.
First photo was again a studio shot. I feel beautiful on that photo. LOL! Second photo was my graduation photo. I never had those glamour shot. Jologs grad pic ko. LOL! The last photo was a pre nuptial photo of hubby and I. Again a studio shot. I am so young in that photo. I miss that hair, though I hate having curly hair.
I am pregnant to Huey on the first photo. Second photo is during my graduation ceremony. I am so HUGE!!!! That was my mom’s clothes. LOL! It was May of 2004, two months after Huey was born. Third photo is taken during my brothers wedding in Davao City. January of 2005.
First photo is with Huey. Taken during the “pamanhikan” of my uncle. Second photo was taken when we are still in Manila for Huey’s therapy. Third photo is my recent photo. Taken last Sunday with my sister.
That’s it! I hope you had fun viewing my now and then photos.
I would like to see the now and then photos of Amor, Litzie and Chikai.